The eia2
package provides functions to download data from the US Energy Information Administration Open Data API version 2.
Using the EIA API (via this package or other means) requires a registered API key.
The EIA provides a data browser and documentation of API concepts that is helpful to understanding usage of this package.
You can install the development version of eia2 from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Ensure your API key is available by setting it as an environment variable. You can add it to your user-level .Renviron file by:
And adding a line such as: EIA_KEY=
After restarting, running Sys.getenv("EIA_KEY")
or eia_get_key()
should return your key.
Alternatively, your key can be stored in the package environment or options using eia_set_key()
. For security, make sure you do not record your API key in files tracked by git or your .Rhistory.
Explore Available Data
You can browse available datasets:
#> $routes
#> [1] "coal" "crude-oil-imports" "electricity"
#> [4] "international" "natural-gas" "nuclear-outages"
#> [7] "petroleum" "seds" "steo"
#> [10] "densified-biomass" "total-energy" "aeo"
#> [13] "ieo" "co2-emissions"
And iteratively explore routes within a dataset, such as:
#> $id
#> [1] "electricity"
#> $name
#> [1] "Electricity"
#> $description
#> [1] "EIA electricity survey data"
#> $routes
#> [1] "retail-sales" "electric-power-operational-data"
#> [3] "rto" "state-electricity-profiles"
#> [5] "operating-generator-capacity" "facility-fuel"
When you get to the bottom of a route, there won’t be any further routes, but you need to specify other parameters to retrieve data, such as which data columns to retrieve.
#> $id
#> [1] "retail-sales"
#> $name
#> [1] "Electricity Sales to Ultimate Customers"
#> $description
#> [1] "Electricity sales to ultimate customer by state and sector (number of customers, average price, revenue, and megawatthours of sales). \n Sources: Forms EIA-826, EIA-861, EIA-861M"
#> $frequency
#> [1] "monthly" "quarterly" "annual"
#> $facets
#> [1] "stateid" "sectorid"
#> $data
#> [1] "revenue" "sales" "price" "customers"
#> $startPeriod
#> [1] "2001-01"
#> $endPeriod
#> [1] "2023-02"
#> $defaultDateFormat
#> [1] "YYYY-MM"
#> $defaultFrequency
#> [1] "monthly"
And finally download data such as:
elec_retail_sales_annual_data <-
eia2("electricity/retail-sales", frequency = "annual", data_cols = "revenue")
#> # A tibble: 5,000 × 7
#> period stateid stateDescription sectorid sectorName revenue `revenue-units`
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2022 AL Alabama ALL all secto… 10299. million dollars
#> 2 2022 CO Colorado RES residenti… 2978. million dollars
#> 3 2022 CO Colorado OTH other NA million dollars
#> 4 2022 CO Colorado IND industrial 1357. million dollars
#> 5 2022 CO Colorado COM commercial 2446. million dollars
#> 6 2022 CO Colorado ALL all secto… 6790. million dollars
#> 7 2022 CA California TRA transport… 93.1 million dollars
#> 8 2022 CA California RES residenti… 23661. million dollars
#> 9 2022 DC District of Colum… ALL all secto… 1528. million dollars
#> 10 2022 DE Delaware TRA transport… 0 million dollars
#> # ℹ 4,990 more rows
A full API call can also specify facet filters and different start and end dates.
elec_retail_CO <-
frequency = "monthly",
facets = list(
stateid = c("CO", "WY")
data_cols = c("revenue"),
start = "2020-01",
end = "2020-03")
#> # A tibble: 36 × 7
#> period stateid stateDescription sectorid sectorName revenue `revenue-units`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2020-03 WY Wyoming RES residential 28.4 million dollars
#> 2 2020-03 WY Wyoming TRA transporta… 0 million dollars
#> 3 2020-03 CO Colorado RES residential 177. million dollars
#> 4 2020-03 CO Colorado TRA transporta… 0.710 million dollars
#> 5 2020-03 CO Colorado ALL all sectors 434. million dollars
#> 6 2020-03 CO Colorado COM commercial 161. million dollars
#> 7 2020-03 WY Wyoming IND industrial 56.3 million dollars
#> 8 2020-03 WY Wyoming COM commercial 27.6 million dollars
#> 9 2020-03 WY Wyoming ALL all sectors 112. million dollars
#> 10 2020-03 CO Colorado OTH other NA million dollars
#> # ℹ 26 more rows
Moving from API version 1
The EIA version 2 API provides a mechanism to retrieve similar data as was available via the series ID API endpoint in the version 1 API. This web form on the EIA Open Data website can help translate version 1 series IDs into version 2 routes. In addition, this package provides a function eia1_series
which can make requests using legacy series id’s.
#> # A tibble: 22 × 7
#> period stateid stateDescription sectorid sectorName sales `sales-units`
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2022 CO Colorado RES residential 20834. million kilowatt…
#> 2 2021 CO Colorado RES residential 20625. million kilowatt…
#> 3 2020 CO Colorado RES residential 20483. million kilowatt…
#> 4 2019 CO Colorado RES residential 19405. million kilowatt…
#> 5 2018 CO Colorado RES residential 19287. million kilowatt…
#> 6 2017 CO Colorado RES residential 18615. million kilowatt…
#> 7 2016 CO Colorado RES residential 18834. million kilowatt…
#> 8 2015 CO Colorado RES residential 18385. million kilowatt…
#> 9 2014 CO Colorado RES residential 18093. million kilowatt…
#> 10 2013 CO Colorado RES residential 18529. million kilowatt…
#> # ℹ 12 more rows
Specifying Related Data via Parameters and Facets
The EIA version 2 API organizes dataset topics using routes, and then allows specification of various parameters and facets to narrow the specific data being requested.
eia2 is based on previous work by Matthew Leonawicz on the eia package. It has benefited from many useful packages and resources including httr2, ropensci package guide, and HTTP testing for R.
This package and its authors are not affiliated with the Energy Information Administration. If you reproduce data it should include an acknowledgement with the publication date, such as: “Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Oct 2008).” For more information, please see EIA’s Copyrights and Reuse page.